So then even though I only had 36 units that I controlled, I ended up attacking him with more than 70. Generally, I just have 36 units that I actually micro with, and then I move those units around the field, then I go to the screen where I have 70 of my other units waiting, tell like 36 of them to attack move to that one location on the map where his units are nearby, and then I micro my other 36 so they end up arriving at roughly the same time in a nice flank. It's certainly tricky when you get to like 15-20 minutes of a zvp game and you have 120 units you wanna bring to a battle. Then I try to make sure that I have 4 hatcheries in one screen so I can just double tap 6 and press ctrl-larva and z and then I built 24 zerglings. At some point 4 stops being a hatchery and becomes units again. #9 I use 1-3 unit 4-9 hatcheries 0 for queens/overlords if I'm dropping. I just tend to send too many control groups to the drops/harass). I have fast reaction times (but my responses are usually shit because I panic, although I do clean up bases easily.

It takes a ton of practice to really put it to use but I feel like it has paid off a ton for me and is one of my strongest suits.

This is really good for responding to drops, harass, and just pressure on multiple bases. Even if you are splitting the map in a long ass ZvT or ZvP. Camera hotkeys maintain your first three bases and hotkeys will cover every other base. And then 6 and 7 are my 3rd and 4th expansions which I take after I move out with my lurkers.Īlso a huge advantage to my setup is you will have every expansion covered. It is also why I put my third hatchery at my natural in ZvT rather than hide it in my base - so I can just macro from it with F3. Everyone does something slightly different but this works for me and camera keys are my biggest sAviOr.

I'll sometimes flat out just do 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0 for units late game ZvP when my bases are established and saturated. Never macro Hatcheries, only base Hatcheries.į2, F3, F4 - Take my main, natural, and third Hatcheries off hotkeys and purely use camera hotkeys to maintain them. I use the camera keys to drone drill and move Drones to other bases.ħ, 8, 9, 0 - Hatcheries for my fourth, fifth, sixth, etc. ALWAYS 4 is my main Hatchery, 5 is my natural Hatchery, and 6 is my 3rd base Hatchery.į2, F3, F4 - On top of 4, 5, and 6 Hatches.